You play as multi-tentacle etherial banana slug that can manipulate matter

Without physics form you must ancor yourself to pieces of matter-lest you drift away on the wind


You will need material to build shapes, this can be done by devouring the local environment

If you are devour excessively, you may deplete available resources.

Beware devouring these essential lifeforms may have long term negative consequences for your world


You regenerate energy more quickly when you are near living things.

Some lifeforms are capable of extracting matter the earth, and duplicating any nearby shapes

Guide them into producing specific materials, by placing what you desire near them.


Forest Fires may wipe out your fields

Blight may take over, turning the lands to its needs instead of yours.

Other players may devour your possessions, or even devour you.


Physics based destruction everywhere, including players

As a etherial being, if your body is destroyed, you can attempt to ancor onto any nearby bodies

If you fail to do so quickly, you will drift on the wind until you reach a nest, losing matter as you drift

Building forms is a core aspect of the game. You can build many different shapes, each with adjustable properties.


There are hundreds of customizable shapes you can build, some procedural, some fractal, and some from baked distance fields


Mods allow you to further adjust shapes, some work on the space the shape exist within, some manipulate the shapes displacement


Ops control how the shape blends when applied to another shape

There are 15 ops to select from-with adjustable parameters


To spawn a shape you will need the amount of material as determined by volume, you can always devour material from the environment if you are low

Optional Multiplayer

The game is playable singleplayer, but you may find it more enjoyable with friends.

Player Hosted Servers

Players may host servers, doing so gives them control over the specifics of the world they are hosting. Use the in-game editor to create custom rules for generating your world, and set the rules that goven your world

Coop or Competitive

You can choice to play cooperatively, building together, and exploring

There are no weapons, but it is possible to fight in an indirect way, throwing heavy objects at each other, or devouring one another


The world is persistant; all shapes created, and all damage done is permanent.

If you create a rockslide that wipes out the forest below, it cannot be undone

If you devour all lifeforms capable of creating new materials, you may find your world rather inhospitable


Travel to different regions of the world; forests, snowy mountains, and deserts are available in the default world rules(Or use the in-game tools to make new rules and new biomes)


If you find an interesting formation, try devouring it, you may learn a new shape, mod or op depending on the formations composition

Devouring other players artwork may not be the best idea..


You can clone any shape or combination of shapes if you have required material and energy

Build Worlds

The same tools used by the devoloper are available to players. Use in-game editor to build custom rules describing shape clusters and distribution


Everything in the game uses Voxels(as signed distance fields), all geometry is generated at runtime, allowing the game to scale to wide range of hardware

Voxel detail is fully adjustable, it has no effect on gameplay

Windows PC

The game will be available for Windows, and will run on any dx11 capable GPU

It uses a custom engine to manipulate SDFs and take advantage of all CPU cores

Makes heavy use of wide SIMD with AVX2

There is a fallback for those with older CPUs(SSE2)

No Loading

There are no load times, the game boots and is playable nearly instantly.

Regular Updates

The devoloper will continue to update the game, and is interested in player feedback